
Growing an Old Friend

I do enjoy meeting people. Meeting my girlfriends. Stay up late for a chit chat. But I love my room and the “ME” time of mine even more.

I’d given my portion for social life and for my own life. When I need to step back I will step back. I know my limit. That’s why when my friends here decided to rent a house together I knew that it was the time when I need to drag myself from this so called socialization kind of thing. I know myself better than anyone. Selfish-less care-comments a lot-temperamental-sensitive-hygiene freak sometimes-messy for the whole time-kind of individual. There are times when I can’t deal with my own self. So how could I expect someone who I just knew for couple of months to deal with my strange behavior for 24/7?

I don’t do friends maintenance. I forget almost all of my friends’ birthday –some even bother to remind me to say happy birthday to them the day before their birthday…but ya’ll do know that I do love you right? I just forget :p–, even when they have special date such as January 1st –I even almost forget my mom’s birthday for God sake– So my friendship has its own time limit. I make friends only when I am on the timeline. After I finish elementary school I leave my elementary school friends or so called best friends behind. And so on. So when there are friends I still have now from the timeline before today that’s what I call God’s mercy. I still have someone who’s still willing to hear my unstoppable mouth and they are still stick with me. And the fact that I don’t wanna let them go it’s because I don’t wanna lose these unbelievable creatures who can accept me for who I am and who can be accepted by me for who they are.

This timeline I’m living right now is full of magic. I am surrounded by the most loving human being I have ever met in my entire life. They work in the same office. They live under the same roof. Sometimes they eat in the same restaurant. They hang out in the same spot. It’s like they’re married to each other –they are all guys by the way– They take care of each other. Someone’s matter is everybody’s matter. It is amusing watching this brotherhood. Really make you wish you could have that kind of thing.
    God is having plan for every path we’re on. We all notice it. And I know that this is one of them. God probably starts to feel that He needs to re-polish my humanity side. To be surrounded by this people really does make me less alien than before. I welcome guests in my room on holiday. And I enjoyed it. I even welcome a girlfriend who wants to spend her weekend –and by this I mean half Friday, whole Saturday and half Sunday– in my room. This is normal right? But normally…….I don’t do this.

    As my best friend says that there are categories for friends: (I’ve mixed this with my own formula)
  1. When they are sacrificing their time and ears to hear your never-ending stories with unconditional love –by this I mean no sighing……*ok fine!! And no eyes rolling, viewpoint changing or looking at my finger and toe nails (yes I note it girl! Thank you very much)–, then they are best friends.
  2. When they brighten your gloomy working hours but you only want to be around them on working hours only; then it is obvious that they are a co-worker. –a quite nice one–
  3. When they start to make the words ‘PLIS DEH!!’ cross our brain but they are still needed to meet your quota so you can get lower price for a holiday package then a ‘just common friends‘ category they are.
  4. When they start to talk and make all eyes and ears not on you anymore then they just made them self downgraded into an ‘I don’t like her!’ category. –Why it’s always her?
  5. When they starts to talk crap and sweating about something that irritating you –yes this includes writing pain in the ass statuses on social networks– then they just made them self included into the lowest level as just ‘someone I knew from the past’ category.
I know these people here know no friends category. But their friendship also knows no timeline. And I learnt that that’s exactly a factor that put more color to your life.

From an out of nowhere place I never thought I would find such a warm feeling this way. I found a new girlfriend and a guyfriend here. And surprisingly I can share any stories with these newcomers in my life. So now, I have a far far away and a walking distance girlfriends and guyfriend to listen to every thought and stories of mine with a look of their eyes that says ‘I know what you’ve been through girl!’ and that really means a lot. And that also feel PEACEFUL.


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