
(temporarily) IN MEMORIAM

Yesterday I went back home through the path I always take. It took me about 5 minutes walking and 3 minutes running on the street to catch a bus –makes me realize this is the only exercise I have– then an hour and fifteen minutes hanging on any grip I could find in the bus. After the experience –so called torture– in the bus is over, still have to climb the overpass to be on the side street I want.
Passing through the overpass is my favourite. I can find so many people who try to please the pedestrians with the merchandise they’re selling. I see an artist with his thick braided hair was ready to paint any ordered painting. Beside him there was a man with his friendly smile ready to sell any kind of house hold you need –we know now, no need to worry if you have a broken zipper on that overpass…he has what you need– Next to that man there was a young talkative man in blue jeans who yell –in a positive way– to everbody who pass in front of him to offer a sim card for your cell phone. There was also a lady with a lot of artificial jewelry pinned all over her outfit, showing that she sells things that will make women look sparkling in cheaper way. They are all amusing in your sore feet after the long journey home.

 When I was walking through the overpass yesterday, my eyes rolled at couple of men talking in a rush saying that they are no longer be able to sell what they’ve been selling for so long there anymore, did I mention that what they do is illegal? Yes, it’s a kind of an illegal thing to do since the overpass is a tool to cross the street and not a place to transform any men into a cadger, so by nature they are forbid to do that.
I feel sad about them, moreover I feel sad about my next walks on that overpass without them. They are not disturbing and not doing any harm. Like I said they are amusing. Want to know what is annoying and need to be exterminated from this planet?
1.People who selfishly smoke in an airconditioned room –if they wanna die fast I don’t mind, but please die alone-
2.People on a public1 street with their blackberry, got so occupied with it yet still mind to step aside to let other people to walk through –don’t they realize that people who’s walking behind them are having a lot things to do rather than waiting for their stupid brain to be reactive to others?–
3.People who listen to songs (nothing wrong with it) but when I say LOUDLY, something is wrong right? –if the songs is ok and on the right time then it’s fine by me–
4.People who got so busy kissing someone else's ass -don't they have a boyfriend or a girlfriend to kiss?-

So hopefully all of my favourite sellers are still there today when I put my step on that overpass. Expelled or not, I know sooner or later they’ll be back there again to earn some money for their own sake by pleasing us as pedestrians.

Have a great almost midday Thursday,


1Public means everybody’s not YOURS…growp up!!!


My goodbye notes on November 25, 2010. To whom it may concerned...

This was the first goodbye note I wrote for my coworkers since I moved to a new working place -then you notice that my email address here is no longer exist-
I tried to make it simple yet still not short, but still feel that I miss a lot of things everytime I read it. I left the note without mentioned any names because I replaced names with the memories I shared with those unbelievable creatures named CORAMers.
Just so you know that goodbyes in a funny format -or in any format- is still goodbyes and it does still painfull.
Miss you guys and girls lots and lots.

Thu, November 25, 2010 5:19:50 PM
Nikmatnya hari gajian tanpa gaji...
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Boooooo...mau pamitan

Makasi yaaaa atas kebersamaan kita naik turun pesawat,, naik turun kereta,,
naik  turun  mobil carpool dan mobil cabang,, naik turun taksi,, naik turun
lift,, daaannnn naik turun yang lainnya

Makasiiiii juga,,
Udah diajarin dengan sabar dan ditemeni waktu review pertama gw dulu
Udah ditemeni pijet dengan teknik meres kelapa malem2
Udah  ditemeni  liat  cabaaaang,,  hooootel,, sedikit laut daaaaaan sedikit
Udah  ditemani  mereview  sambil  diiringi  tari-tarian  mulai  dari tarian
Jepang,, google five saaammpe tari kecak..
Udah ditemeni naik turun kendaraan darat yang klo tiduran aja cepet apalagi
klo  lari  dan  sudah  diperkenalkan jurus kodok bangkong yang menggetarkan
jiwa raga..
Udah ditemeni berburu dvd di sela-sela kesibukan mereview..
Udah  ditemeni  makan  pecel  tumpang  rasa duit kucel dan soto rasa jempol
tangan di kota tahu...
Makasi  atas  kerja  sama  yang  kurang baik dan sangat tidak membantu saat
nilep  peralatan makan di pesawat (dan sekarang semua peralatan makan hasil
curian  itu sudah ditilep lagi sama mbak kosan,, memang barang haram selalu
tidak bertahan lama)..
Udah  ditemani  melewati  lembah, menyusuri gunung dengan jalan yang sangat
menegangkan semenegangkan theme review...
Udah  ditemeni  menjelajah  tak  hanya  cabang  tapi  juga  hutan  rimba di
pedalaman Kalimantan.....
Ngerumpi  di  sela2  kejenuhan  bekerja (yang berarti 5 menit sekali maksud
gw), di tengah2 kubikal yang kosong..
Bareng-bareng  sibuk makan keripik dan minum es lidah buaya di saat opening
Bahu membahu di closing miting yang menghebohkan dunia akherat..
Merencanakan  outing dengan tema biar irit asal prihatin itu (jadi teringat
betapa  sia2-nya  perjuangan  gw  memperjuangkan  warna  biru  muda  dengan
bordiran emas dan benang jahitan merah maron untuk kaos outing itu)...
Makasih  udah  dibantuin  nyari  cara  ngeprint  di  kertas ukuran folio di
printer  yang sangat tidak user friendly itu dan tetap berakhir tanpa jalan
keluar,, dan menyebabkan ke-error-an yang sistemik...
Udah  dipersilakan  numpang singgah di kamar kosan dan digorengin siomay di
saat2 menunggu three in one..
Udah  diajakin  ngerayain  pesta  ulang  tahun bareng2 dengan kue minimalis
bergambar  Toy  Story  yang sangking senengnya sampek nggak sadar resleting

Makasiii ya booooo...
Sedih  deh,,  udah  kebayang betapa gw akan merindukan semua itu bareng ama
kalian  sebanyak  kerinduan  kalian  akan tas ungu metalik burberry gw yang
legendaris itu..

Dan...terima kasih kalian ceeiiwwek-ceeiiwek udah ditemenin berburu makanan
khas  di seluruh penjuru bumi pertiwi,, berburu keramik dan kristal-kristal
segede  kompor  gas  sanken,, berburu diskonan di setiap Matahari di setiap
kota  yang  kita  kunjungi,, berburu daster,, berburu tempat-tempat OK buat
poto-poto  gila  kita,,  daaaaannnnnn  berburu  head  area dan SBSM ganteng
(sssluurrrrppp...sedap  betul,,  secercah cahaya terang di tengah kekelaman
KCS yang mencekam)

Teruuuuss gw juga mau minta maaf,,
Klo  gw  pergi  meninggalkan  susunan  KCS Theme Review yang masih setengah
mateng kurang bumbu itu...
Maap  ya  gw  udah  pernah ngerepotin minjem2 CUG buat nyari sepatu gw yang
ilang (dan masih belum ketemu),,
Maap  klo  kadang2  gw  suka gak mandi di saat kita berjuang bareng mencari
sesuap  nasi  dan segenggam bonus milleage di kegelapan pagi...(dari
kalian gw mengenal pepatah baru,, mandi gak mandi asal naik pesawat)
Maap  ya  atas  perlakuan  gw  ngajak  makan  malam bareng tapi hanya untuk
akhirnya  ditelantarkan  om  gw  di  kota antah berantah dan disuruh pulang
Maap  juga  klo  gw suka ninggalin tidur duluan tiap udah nempel kasur atau
nempel apapun di hotel..
Dan  maap-maap ni,, klo gw suka seenak udel gak mau dititipin oleh-oleeehhh
dan  suka  ngomel  panjang  kali lebar kali tinggi pangkat 3 akar 2 kosines
157,, tiap disuruh nganterin beli titipan oleh-oleh...
Maap  buat  salah2  kata  dan  salah2 WP,, baik yang disengaja ataupun agak

Ayam sori juga ya klo kadang2 komentar dan mulut gw agak selalu lebih cepat
bertindak  daripada  otak gw,, tapi gw yakin kalian semua tau bahwa hati gw
sebenernya  selembut  pantat  bayi  yang  telah  diolesi baby oil jonsen en

Kabar-kabari  yaaa  klo  ada  apa-apa,,  gw  masih menerima panggilan untuk
traktiran  ulang  tahun,,  kawinan,,  pesta  pora,, dan hura-hura lainnya,,
terutama  klo  yang  gratis  seperti pizza time-pizza time yang lain...

Jadi  karena  yeiy yeiy pada masih punya nomer henpon yang meski bolot-nya amit-amit
tapi  mengandung unsur paling penting dalam kehidupan umat manusia terutama
kehidupan gw yaitu gretongan itu,, jadi jangan cuman miskol eik di 085x xxx xxxx ya (ingat nomor henpon itu mengandung unsur hari ulang tahun gw,, jadi jangan  lupa  kadonya  tapi  lupakanlah  traktiran  dr  gw-nya),,  dan telpon-telponlah juga setiap saat kali-kali aja gw pengen ngegosip tapi gak
punya  pulsa  buat  nelpon...atauu  email  gw  di  emmargareth@yahoo.com
(moga-moga aja wifi ilegal depan kosan gw masih bisa dibajak)...

Theme  Review,, Basic Review,, Dalam Kota,, Luar Kota,, Jalan Udara,, Jalan
Darat......Tetap SMANGAAAAATTTT!!!

Maria Margaretha Prasudayanti



Being born as a non-cooperative human being to things called active and diligent, makes myself think that everything is a piece of cake and can be done in a blink of an eye –a cuter way to say ‘do later’–
Having huge things to do in a very short of time has never been a list in my imagination. I used to do my job because I have to -without realizing how many things I learned during the processbreak time becomes something I really desired.
You hate your job so hard yet you forget how many things you get from it. The payment hell yeah the knowledge, the experience, the satisfaction knowing that you're a part of something.
Is it a sin if I say I miss my old life yes you're right, it's the life that I also regret when I was living it? It's a stupidly hard not to regrets things in life. But It's insanely even harder to live between regrets after regrets.
I’m grateful for what I am today, I’m grateful for the past I’ve lived for shaping my brain into this –still not as brilliant as a man who can figure sophisticated codes in a bunch of numbers but at least I have my own thought of every single things I experience or at least I see or hear. I’m grateful that I’m not what I think I am –a dull stupid brain because when there are times I get unoccupied, surprisingly I turn my brain to find anything else to do to make sure that it’s making my morning valuable –trust me I’m not a morning person That when there are days I got paid by doing nothing, I STILL feel guilty, hope it’ll last for good –the feeling not the doing nothing payment I’m also grateful because ALSO surprisingly on this very moment I found my self –which I never thought before to be someone who still have a willing to learn something –even just one or two
And last night I’m no longer complaining –if sharing story of bad things happen in our day doesn’t count that :p My regrets and my dark lonely nights are still here, but at least I do feel that it’s decreasing itself.
I don’t speak Japanese, and I never use this word before. But this morning I saw this word hanging on the wall to support my office football team. So why don’t we use this word to support our marvelous Tuesday also?

Ganbate everyone,



Some Lessons to Learn...

City bus is another form of a supermarket -you can find underwear to children books there-. You still can call your self a man when you don't give your seat to a woman standing right next to you. You also still a man when you tell a lady not to wear a skirt which show her sexy leg because it makes him dwell into his wild fantasy -at least he had balls to say it-. But you definitely not even close to a man when you took someone else's credit for your own sake. The least you got paid the more your expenses are. Nail polish is good for your sanity when you are sad AND ALONE. Stay away from toothbrush when you are stressed -it'll throw away from inside your tummy everything you've already struggled to eat-. Take a bath is a hard thing to do when you are pissed. Having your legs waxed in the morning you almost late for office is a biiiiigg no. Having a boyfriend to yell at is also good for your soul -though it's not for his-
That's all on this rushing-almost late to office-as usual Monday of mine..

Thank God it'll end.


Surrender is good for your soul

It's not a new year resolution -never had one- it's just a form of an overnight thinking. No more living in the past. Everything which I put my shoes on it, is my choice. Whether it's worse or better. The power that bring me to this stage is all on me. So no more blaming on others -a boyfriend is a place to share your days, not a place to blame when you make mistakes- it is sad when what you have today is not as good as what you have in the previous day. Once my Dad share his thought about this, maybe God is trying to make Him self sure that what He had given to you is something you will hold on no matter what. So after He gave you what you have whispered on your pray in every breath you take, He will test your faith...and AGAIN it's your choice to win or lose. One of my girlfriends says AMEN for this. And so will I.
Today is Monday -the day that I don't know how but it's already an enemy of every living creature on this earth- I declare that I'll move on and hold on to the things that I have put my choice on it. Because I know that God and everybody I love will always hold on me. And it's not gonna easy -not even gonna close- but Hey,, life without challenge is not a life at all isn't it?

Have a nice Monday again.



Hi all!!

It's funny when you have all the ingredients you need,, the tools you can freely use to make something and you did nothing about it...
And now when it's all gone,, you're dying wishing that you can turn back the time to have those stuffs.
It happens to me during the 'AHA' moment of this writting...
So...hi all,, hope you enjoy.

Have a great Monday.

